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Regulations for the Implementation of the Land Administration Law of the People's Republic of China

Source: Unknown 时间:2018-08-15 20:11 Number of readings:

 Regulations for the Implementation of the Land Administration Law of the People's Republic of China

  (1998年12月27日中华人民共和国国务院令第256号发布 根据2011年1月8日《十大正规网堵平台》修订)
Chapter I General provisions
  Article 1 These Regulations are formulated in accordance with the Land Administration Law of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the Land Administration Law)。
Chapter II Ownership and Use Right of land
  Article 2 The following land shall be owned by the whole people, that is, by the State:
  (1) Land in urban areas;
  (2) land in rural areas and urban suburbs that has been confiscated, expropriated or purchased as state-owned land according to law;
  (3) land expropriated by the State according to law;
  (4) woodlands, grasslands, unreclaimed land, beaches and other land not owned by collectives according to law;
  (5) land formerly owned by the collectives of rural economic collectives that all their members have converted to urban residents;
  Article 3 The State implements a system of land registration and certification according to law。The ownership and use right of land registered according to law shall be protected by law and shall not be infringed upon by any unit or individual。
  The content of land registration and the style of land ownership certificate shall be uniformly stipulated by the land administrative department under The State Council。
  Land registration data can be publicly searched。
  第四条 农民集体所有的土地,由土地所有者向土地所在地的县级人民政府土地行政主管部门提出土地登记申请,由县级人民政府登记造册,核发集体土地所有权证书,确认所有权。
  The people's governments of cities divided into districts may implement unified registration of land collectively owned by peasants within their municipal districts。
  第五条 单位和个人依法使用的国有土地,由土地使用者向土地所在地的县级以上人民政府土地行政主管部门提出土地登记申请,由县级以上人民政府登记造册,核发国有土地使用权证书,确认使用权。其中,中央国家机关使用的国有土地的登记发证,由国务院土地行政主管部门负责,具体登记发证办法由国务院土地行政主管部门会同国务院机关事务管理局等有关部门制定。
  People's governments at or above the county level shall register and put on record state-owned land whose right to use has not been determined, and shall be responsible for its protection and administration。
  Article 6 Changing the ownership and use right of land according to law,The transfer of the right to the use of the land is caused by the transfer of aboveground buildings, structures and other attachments according to law,An application for registration of land alteration must be filed with the land administrative department of the people's government at or above the county level where the land is located,The original land registration organ shall register the change of land ownership and use right according to law。The alteration of the ownership and use right of land shall take effect from the date of registration of the alteration。
  第七条 依照《十大正规网堵平台》的有关规定,收回用地单位的土地使用权的,由原土地登记机关注销土地登记。
Chapter III General planning for land use
  第八条 全国土地利用总体规划,由国务院土地行政主管部门会同国务院有关部门编制,报国务院批准。
  General plans for land use other than those provided for in the first, second and third paragraphs of this article,Land administrative departments at the same level and other relevant departments shall be organized by the relevant people's governments,Report to the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities for approval step by step;among,Township (town) land use general planning,It shall be compiled by the township (town) people's government,逐级上报省、自治区、直辖市人民政府或者省、自治区、直辖市人民政府授权的设区的市、自治州人民政府批准。
  Article 9 The term of general plans for land use shall generally be 15 years。
  第十条 依照《十大正规网堵平台》规定,土地利用总体规划应当将土地划分为农用地、建设用地和未利用地。
  县级和Township (town) land use general planning应当根据需要,划定基本农田保护区、土地开垦区、建设用地区和禁止开垦区等;其中,Township (town) land use general planning还应当根据土地使用条件,确定每一块土地的用途。
  第十一条 Township (town) land use general planning经依法批准后,乡(镇)人民政府应当在本行政区域内予以公告。
  The announcement shall include the following:
  (1) Planning objectives;
  (2) the planning period;
  (3) the scope of planning;
  (4) land use;
  (5) the approving authority and the date of approval。
  第十二条 依照《十大正规网堵平台》第二十六条第二款、第三款规定修改土地利用总体规划的,由原编制机关根据国务院或者省、自治区、直辖市人民政府的批准文件修改。The revised general plan for land use shall be submitted to the original approval authorities for approval。
  Article 13 People's governments at all levels shall strengthen the management of annual plans for the use of land and exercise control over the total amount of land for construction purposes。Once approved and issued, the annual plan for land use must be strictly implemented。
  The annual plan for land use shall include the following contents:
  (A) agricultural land conversion plan indicators;
  (2) Cultivated land holding plan indicators;
  (3) Indicators of land development and consolidation plans。
  Article 14 The land administrative departments of the people's governments at or above the county level shall conduct land surveys together with the relevant departments at the same level。
  Land survey shall include the following contents:
  (1) Land ownership;
  (2) current situation of land use;
  (3) Land conditions。
  地方土地利用现状调查结果,经本级人民政府审核,报上一级人民政府批准后,应当向社会公布;全国土地利用现状调查结果,报国务院批准后,应当向社会公布。Procedures for land investigation shall be formulated by the land administrative department under The State Council in conjunction with the relevant departments under The State Council。
  Article 15 The land administrative department under The State Council shall, together with the relevant departments under The State Council, formulate the standards for grading land。
  According to the national economic and social development, the land grade is adjusted once every six years。
Chapter IV Protection of cultivated land
  Article 16 Within the scope of land used for construction in cities, villages and market towns as determined in the general plans for the utilization of land,To occupy cultivated land for the implementation of urban planning and planning of villages and market towns,以及在土地利用总体规划确定的城市建设用地范围外的能源、交通、水利、矿山、军事设施等建设项目占用耕地的,分别由市、县人民政府、农村集体经济组织和建设单位依照《十大正规网堵平台》第三十一条的规定负责开垦耕地;没有条件开垦或者开垦的耕地不符合要求的,Arable land reclamation fees shall be paid in accordance with the provisions of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government。
  Article 17 It is prohibited for units and individuals to engage in land development activities within the prohibited reclamation areas defined in the general plans for the utilization of land。
  In the land reclamation area defined in the general plan for land utilization,Developing state-owned barren hills, unreclaimed land or deserted beaches for cultivation, forestry, animal husbandry or fishery,An application shall be filed with the land administrative department of the people's government at or above the county level where the land is located,It shall be submitted for approval to the people's government having the power of approval。
  第十八条 县、乡(镇)人民政府应当按照土地利用总体规划,组织农村集体经济组织制定土地整理方案,并组织实施。
  Local people's governments at all levels shall take measures to promote land consolidation in accordance with the general plans for land utilization。60% of the new cultivated land area in land consolidation can be used as a compensation index for arable land occupied by construction。
  The expenses for land consolidation shall be borne jointly by rural collective economic organizations and land users in accordance with the principle that who benefits shall bear the expenses。
Chapter V Land for construction
  第十九条 建设占用土地,涉及农用地转为建设用地的,应当符合土地利用总体规划和土地利用年度计划中确定的农用地转用指标;城市和村庄、集镇建设占用土地,涉及农用地转用的,还应当符合城市规划和村庄、集镇规划。The conversion of agricultural land into construction land shall not be approved if the land fails to meet the provisions。
  第二十条 在土地利用总体规划确定的城市建设用地范围内,为实施城市规划占用土地的,按照下列规定办理:
  (二)有批准权的人民政府土地行政主管部门对农用地转用方案、补充耕地方案、征收土地方案进行审查,Submit review comments,Report to the people's government with the power of approval for approval;among,The plan for supplementary cultivated land shall be approved by the people's government that approves the plan for the conversion of agricultural land together with the plan for the conversion of agricultural land。
  第二十一条 具体建设项目需要使用土地的,建设单位应当根据建设项目的总体设计一次申请,办理建设用地审批手续;分期建设的项目,可以根据可行性研究报告确定的方案分期申请建设用地,分期办理建设用地有关审批手续。
  第二十二条 具体建设项目需要占用土地利用总体规划确定的城市建设用地范围内的国有建设用地的,按照下列规定办理:
  (2) The construction unit shall hold the relevant approval documents of the construction project,An application for construction land shall be submitted to the land administrative departments of the municipal and county people's governments,It shall be examined by the land administrative departments of the city and county people's governments,Preparation of land supply programme,Report to the municipal or county people's governments for approval;Approval by the people's government at a higher level is required,It shall be submitted to the people's government at a higher level for approval。
  (3) After the land supply plan is approved, the municipal and county people's governments shall issue the approval letter of land for construction to the construction unit。有偿使用国有土地的,由市、县人民政府土地行政主管部门与土地使用者签订国有土地有偿使用合同;划拨使用国有土地的,由市、县人民政府土地行政主管部门向土地使用者核发国有土地划拨决定书。
  (4) Land users shall apply for land registration according to law。
  通过招标、拍卖方式提供国有建设用地使用权的,由市、县人民政府土地行政主管部门会同有关部门拟订方案,报市、县人民政府批准后,由市、县人民政府土地行政主管部门组织实施,并与土地使用者签订土地有偿使用合同。Land users shall apply for land registration according to law。
  第二十三条 具体建设项目需要使用土地的,必须依法申请使用土地利用总体规划确定的城市建设用地范围内的国有建设用地。能源、交通、水利、矿山、军事设施等建设项目确需使用土地利用总体规划确定的城市建设用地范围外的土地,涉及农用地的,按照下列规定办理:
  (2) The construction unit shall hold the relevant approval documents of the construction project,An application for construction land shall be submitted to the land administrative departments of the municipal and county people's governments,It shall be examined by the land administrative departments of the city and county people's governments,Formulation of agricultural land conversion programs, supplementary farmland programs, land acquisition programs and land supply programs (involving state-owned agricultural land),No land acquisition plan),After examination and approval by the municipal and county people's governments,Report to the people's government with the power of approval for approval step by step;among,The plan for supplementary cultivated land shall be approved by the people's government that approves the plan for the conversion of agricultural land together with the plan for the conversion of agricultural land;供地方案由批准征收土地的人民政府在批准征收土地方案时一并批准(涉及国有农用地的,The people's government that approves the conversion of agricultural land shall approve it together with the conversion plan of agricultural land.)。
  (4) Land users shall apply for land registration according to law。
  Article 24 A specific construction project needs to occupy unused state-owned land as determined in the general plan for the utilization of land,In accordance with the provisions of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government;however,国家重点建设项目、军事设施和跨省、自治区、直辖市行政区域的建设项目以及国务院规定的其他建设项目用地,It shall be submitted to The State Council for approval。
  Article 25 After the land expropriation plan is approved according to law,The implementation shall be organized by the people's governments of the cities and counties where the land is expropriated,并将批准征地机关、批准文号、征收土地的用途、范围、面积以及征地补偿标准、农业人员安置办法和办理征地补偿的期限等,A public announcement shall be made in the township (town) and village where the land is located。
  市、县人民政府土地行政主管部门根据经批准的征收土地方案,会同有关部门拟订征地补偿、安置方案,A public announcement shall be made in the township (town) and village where the land is located,听取被征收土地的农村集体经济组织和农民的意见。征地补偿、安置方案报市、县人民政府批准后,由市、县人民政府土地行政主管部门组织实施。对补偿标准有争议的,由县级以上地方人民政府协调;协调不成的,由批准征收土地的人民政府裁决。Disputes over land expropriation compensation and resettlement do not affect the implementation of the land expropriation plan。
  All fees for land expropriation shall be paid in full within 3 months from the date of approval of the land expropriation compensation and resettlement plan。
  第二十六条 土地补偿费归农村集体经济组织所有;地上附着物及青苗补偿费归地上附着物及青苗的所有者所有。
  The resettlement fees for land expropriated must be used exclusively for the purpose and may not be appropriated for other purposes。The persons to be resettled shall be resettled by rural collective economic organizations,Resettlement subsidies shall be paid to rural collective economic organizations,To be managed and used by rural collective economic organizations;Placed by other units,The resettlement subsidy shall be paid to the resettlement unit;It doesn't need to be unified,安置补助费发放给被安置人员个人或者征得被安置人员同意后用于支付被安置人员的保险费用。
  The municipal, county and township (town) people's governments shall strengthen supervision over the use of resettlement subsidies。
  Article 27 Where land is urgently needed for emergency rescue and disaster relief, land may be used first。其中,属于临时用地的,灾后应当恢复原状并交还原土地使用者使用,不再办理用地审批手续;属于永久性建设用地的,建设单位应当在灾情结束后6个月内申请补办建设用地审批手续。
  第二十八条 建设项目施工和地质勘查需要临时占用耕地的,土地使用者应当自临时用地期满之日起1年内恢复种植条件。
  Article 29 The ways of compensated use of state-owned land include:
  (1) Transfer of state-owned land use right;
  (2) Lease of state-owned land;
  (3) State-owned land use rights as a price of investment or shares。
  第三十条 《十大正规网堵平台》第五十五条规定的新增建设用地的土地有偿使用费,是指国家在新增建设用地中应取得的平均土地纯收益。
Chapter VI Supervision and inspection
  第三十一条 土地管理监督检查人员应当经过培训,经考核合格后,方可从事土地管理监督检查工作。
  第三十二条 土地行政主管部门履行监督检查职责,除采取《十大正规网堵平台》第六十七条规定的措施外,还可以采取下列措施:
  (1) interrogating parties, suspects and witnesses in illegal cases;
  (2) entering the land illegally occupied by units or individuals under inspection to take photographs or video on the spot;
  (3) order the party concerned to stop the ongoing land violations;
  (4) Stop going through relevant land approval and registration procedures for units or individuals suspected of violating land laws;
  (5) To order the suspect not to sell or transfer the property related to the case during the investigation。
  第三十三条 依照《十大正规网堵平台》第七十二条规定给予行政处分的,由责令作出行政处罚决定或者直接给予行政处罚决定的上级人民政府土地行政主管部门作出。Decision on administrative sanction of warning, demerit and major demerit,Land administrative departments at higher levels may directly make the decision;Decision on administrative sanction of demotion, removal or dismissal,The land administrative department at the higher level shall comply with the provisions of the State on personnel management authority and handling procedures,To make recommendations on administrative sanctions to relevant authorities,It shall be handled by the relevant authorities according to law。
Chapter VII Legal responsibilities
  第三十四条 违反本条例第十七条的规定,在土地利用总体规划确定的禁止开垦区内进行开垦的,由县级以上人民政府土地行政主管部门责令限期改正;逾期不改正的,依照《十大正规网堵平台》第七十六条的规定处罚。
  第三十五条 在临时使用的土地上修建永久性建筑物、构筑物的,The land administrative department of the people's government at or above the county level shall order the demolition within a time limit;Those that are not dismantled within the time limit,The organ that makes the penalty decision shall apply to the people's court for compulsory execution according to law。
  第三十六条 对在土地利用总体规划制定前已建的不符合土地利用总体规划确定的用途的建筑物、构筑物重建、扩建的,The land administrative department of the people's government at or above the county level shall order the demolition within a time limit;Those that are not dismantled within the time limit,The organ that makes the penalty decision shall apply to the people's court for compulsory execution according to law。
  第三十七条 阻碍土地行政主管部门的工作人员依法执行职务的,依法给予治安管理处罚或者追究刑事责任。
  第三十八条 依照《十大正规网堵平台》第七十三条的规定处以罚款的,罚款额为非法所得的50%以下。
  第三十九条 依照《十大正规网堵平台》第八十一条的规定处以罚款的,罚款额为非法所得的5%以上20%以下。
  第四十条 依照《十大正规网堵平台》第七十四条的规定处以罚款的,罚款额为耕地开垦费的2倍以下。
  第四十一条 依照《十大正规网堵平台》第七十五条的规定处以罚款的,罚款额为土地复垦费的2倍以下。
  第四十二条 依照《十大正规网堵平台》第七十六条的规定处以罚款的,罚款额为非法占用土地每平方米30元以下。
  第四十三条 依照《十大正规网堵平台》第八十条的规定处以罚款的,罚款额为非法占用土地每平方米10元以上30元以下。
  第四十四条 违反本条例第二十八条的规定,逾期不恢复种植条件的,由县级以上人民政府土地行政主管部门责令限期改正,可以处耕地复垦费2倍以下的罚款。
  第四十五条 违反土地管理法律、法规规定,阻挠国家建设征收土地的,由县级以上人民政府土地行政主管部门责令交出土地;拒不交出土地的,申请人民法院强制执行。
Chapter VIII Supplementary Provisions
  Article 46 These Regulations shall come into force as of January 1, 1999。The Regulations for the Implementation of the Land Administration Law of the People's Republic of China promulgated by The State Council on January 4, 1991 shall be repealed simultaneously。